آلة تصنيع بلوك البليت لمصنع إنتاج العبوات الخشبية
ماكينة تصنيع بلوك نشارة الخشب | آلة ضغط الكتل الخشبية
آلة تصنيع بلوك البليت لمصنع إنتاج العبوات الخشبية
ماكينة تصنيع بلوك نشارة الخشب | آلة ضغط الكتل الخشبية
الميزات في لمحة
The wood pallet block machine is an efficient solution for recycling wood waste. It’s user-friendly, allowing one operator to manage three machines simultaneously. The standard sizes for pallet blocks include 80*80 mm, 90*90 mm, 90*120 mm, and 100*100 mm. If you have specific needs, we can customize sizes from 75 mm to 145 mm. The final product can achieve a density of 550-1000 kg/m³.
With a daily capacity of 4-5 cubic meters of raw material, the machine can be tailored with molds to create blocks that fit particular size and shape specifications. The end product is primarily used for protecting items, absorbing vibrations, filling gaps, or providing support, and it finds applications in the construction, packaging, and transportation sectors.
المواد الخام لآلة تصنيع بلوك البليت
يبلغ حجم المادة الخام لهذه الآلة حوالي ثلاثة إلى خمسة ملليمترات وعادةً ما تكون نشارة الخشب التي تم تمريرها من خلال كسارة الخشب أو كسارة المطرقة مطحنة. وقد تم نجارة من خلال أ ماكينة حلاقة الخشب. وبدلا من ذلك، قد تشمل المواد الخام بعض قشور الأرز ورقائق الخشب.
Sawdust block machine finished production and application
Pallet block machines are widely used in many different fields, mainly for producing various types of blocks to meet the needs of different industries. Pallet blocks can be solid, with no hole in the middle, or hollow.
- صناعة التعبئة والتغليف: materials like foam padding and bubble wrap are utilized to safeguard products from damage while they are being transported or stored.
- الحماية الصناعية: pallet blocks can be designed to shield industrial equipment, parts, and products by minimizing vibration, absorbing impacts, and protecting surfaces.
- صناعة النقل: this machine is capable of producing padding blocks specifically for cargo transportation and loading, ensuring that the cargo remains secure and undamaged during transit.
- صناعة الأثاث: the machine can create padded cushions, including seat and back cushions, which are essential in the furniture manufacturing process.
مميزات آلة تشكيل البلوك الخشبي
- The pallet block machine is designed to handle various types, shapes, and sizes of raw materials, allowing for the production of a wide range of matting products tailored to different customer needs.
- With an automated production process, the machine lessens the labor intensity for operators and enhances the overall comfort of the working environment.
- Additionally, the molds and settings of the machine can be easily adjusted and swapped out to accommodate different products, providing a level of production flexibility.
- Since the blocks are extruded and molded at high temperatures, fumigation is not required.
كيف تعمل آلة ضغط بلوك البليت؟
The pallet block machine transforms raw materials into mat blocks of specific shapes and sizes by following several steps: supplying raw materials, heating, molding, cutting, cooling, and collecting. Various models of briquetting machines may employ different technologies and mechanisms throughout these steps to cater to the production requirements of different block types.
The hydraulic cylinder generates high pressure to drive the piston, shaping the material as it is extruded.
The heating plate reaches elevated temperatures to facilitate the curing and molding of urea-formaldehyde glue.
Cutting is performed to a specific length, typically around 1.2 meters.
Once cooled, the semi-finished long wood strips are trimmed to their final dimensions.
Additionally, the long wood strips can be processed into blocks of various sizes using a cutting machine, if desired. The equipment operates at a speed of 1800 blocks per hour.
خط إنتاج البلوك الخشبي
كسارة الخشب ← اختيار المواد الخام ← المجفف (التحكم في محتوى الرطوبة للمواد الخام إلى أقل من 12%.) ← خلاط الغراء ← أسطوانة خلط التغذية ← السخان ← أسطوانة التشكيل ← آلة القطع.
مواد خام: to choose appropriate materials, this process must consider the size and moisture content of the raw materials. As a result, the selected raw materials should first be placed in a dryer to reduce the moisture level to below 12 percent.
خلاط الغراء: to increase the density of the finished product, the raw material needs to be mixed with glue, which is usually فورمالدهايد اليوريا الغراء الراتنج. والغرض من ذلك هو جعل المنتج النهائي أقوى ولديه قدرة تحمل أكبر.
طبل خلط الأعلاف: when feeding, it is essential to include a stirring device in the feeding cylinder to prevent the solidification of the raw materials mixed with glue. This also helps to ensure that the materials are more uniform.
جهاز التدفئة: raw materials are heat and pressure treated to melt or expand and heat molded.
اسطوانة صب: the material is formed using a mold. The dimensions and shape of the pads are dictated by the various models of molding cylinders. Typical sizes include 75×75, 80×80, 90×90, 90×120, 100×100, 100×115, 100×140, and 140×140 mm.
آلة قطع كتلة البليت: the newly formed blocks are cooled to cure and stabilize them. They are then cut into the desired individual pieces or combinations of pieces using a cutting or separating device.
جهاز قطع السكين: in addition to using a block cutter, you can also attach a stand and two cutters for block cutting directly at the back of the molding cylinder.
المعلمات النموذجية لآلة تشكيل قوالب الخشب المضغوط
في الآونة الأخيرة، تم شحن شركتنا بنجاح إلى إندونيسيا مجموعة واحدة من آلات خط إنتاج بلوك البليت، وفيما يلي المعلمات التقنية لآلة بلوك البليت.
البعد (مم) | الوزن (كجم) | المنتج النهائي (مم) | السعة (م³/24 ساعة) |
4800*760*1300 | 1200 | 70*90 | 4-5 |
طريقة التحكم في درجة الحرارة: تنظيم الطاقة PID والتحكم في تنظيم الجهد
Overall, pallet block machines play an important role in many different fields, providing key solutions for product protection, packaging, transportation, and performance. Due to the wide range of demands for matting, the application areas for wood block making machines are also very diverse. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
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