كسارة شاملة آلة تقطيع الخشب ذات سعة كبيرة
تقطيع البليت الخشب | آلة طحن الخشب ذات سعة كبيرة
كسارة شاملة آلة تقطيع الخشب ذات سعة كبيرة
تقطيع البليت الخشب | آلة طحن الخشب ذات سعة كبيرة
الميزات في لمحة
The comprehensive crusher is designed to break down large pieces of wood. It can handle various materials, including nail wood, wooden pallets, construction waste, wooden brackets, branches, and more. Additionally, it can process non-wood materials like bulk straw, firewood cotton, and reeds, making it highly versatile.
The machine features chain plates for feeding, ensuring a smooth feeding process. In addition, the machine is equipped with magnetic rollers that can be used in the discharge position to remove nails from the waste wood.
Our crushers come in various models, each with different knife roller diameters. Depending on the specific model, the number of blades can range from 2 to 8, and the length of the cut wood chips can vary from 20 to 100mm. Users can also adjust the length of the wood chips within this specified range.
الميزات والمزايا الرئيسية للكسارة الشاملة
- The comprehensive crusher enhances traditional crushing methods, boasting high output and a versatile range of processable raw materials.
- It features a chain-type intelligent feeding system that automatically adjusts the feeding speed based on the main motor’s load.
- The machine can be equipped with tires, allowing for easy mobility and effectively addressing the issue of being stationary without electricity.
- This equipment is suitable for various applications, including wood processing, biomass energy production, waste management, and furniture manufacturing, making it adaptable to the diverse needs of different industries.
- By integrating multiple cutting and crushing technologies and incorporating a secondary discharge system, users can modify the discharge direction as needed for greater flexibility.
- Additionally, the parameters of the crusher’s knives, blade position, and cutting depth can be adjusted to produce finished products that meet specific requirements.
تطبيق واسع من تقطيع البليت الخشب
There are various types of waste wood, including trimmings from furniture factories, leftover boards from product packaging, scraps from wooden crafts, branches from forestry, and slats used in construction materials.
Waste wood is processed with a wood crusher allows for its reuse, which not only minimizes wood waste but also contributes positively to environmental protection.
إن المرونة والكفاءة العالية لكسارة نفايات الخشب هذه تجعلها جزءًا مهمًا من معدات التكسير الحديثة، مما يوفر حلول معالجة الكتلة الحيوية الفعالة والصديقة للبيئة لمختلف الصناعات.
الملحقات الرئيسية لكسارة نفايات الخشب
جهاز التكسير: this crushing unit is equipped with hammers made of hard material, which is not easily dulled by wear and tear from nails, etc., during high-intensity work.
الأسطوانة المغناطيسية: the processing capacity of the comprehensive crusher is relatively large, and this magnetic suction device can well separate the nails from the finished product, providing convenience and saving time for the follow-up work.
غربال: depending on your needs for the finished product size, we can customize the screen with different mesh diameters for selection.
كيف تعمل آلة تقطيع الخشب؟
The comprehensive crusher primarily uses impact force to break down wood. During operation, the motor powers the inner rotor to spin rapidly, allowing the wood to enter the crusher cavity evenly, where the force of the high-speed rotating hammers shatters it.
تغذية المواد الخام
يتم تغذية المواد الخام في مدخل كسارة الخشب، والتي يمكن أن تكون مواد خام للكتلة الحيوية مثل الكتل الخشبية، والخيزران، والقش، ونفايات الأثاث، وما إلى ذلك. تدخل المواد الخام إلى منطقة التكسير من خلال نظام النقل.
قطع وسحق
In the crushing area, the wood waste crusher is equipped with a knife plate, blades, or a combination of knives. The raw material comes into contact with the blades and is broken down into smaller wood chips or flakes by the cutting and crushing action.
الفحص والفصل
The crushed chips are fed into the screen or screen plate area where they are screened and separated using vibration or airflow, for example. This helps to control the size and distribution of the wood chips.
التعديل والتحكم
You can adjust the cutting parameters of the comprehensive wood crusher, such as blade angle, depth of cut, etc., as needed to obtain the desired chips size and quality.
After finishing cutting, crushing, and screening, the processed wood chips are discharged from the discharge port of the comprehensive crusher. These pellets can be further used in different fields such as biomass pellet production, waste treatment, wood products, and so on.
مواصفات آلة التكسير الشاملة
كسارة Shuliy الشاملة تنافسية للغاية من حيث السعر، والجودة متفوقة، وليس من السهل أن تتلف قطع الغيار. وبالتالي فإن حجم المبيعات مرتفع. من بينها، النموذجان التاليان من الكسارات هما الأكثر شعبية.
إس إل-1300
- حجم مدخل التغذية: 1300*500 مللي متر
- أقصى قطر للتغذية: 400 مم
- حجم الإخراج: أقل من 100 مم
- ناقل الإدخال: 6 م
- ناقل الإخراج: 8 م
- شفرات (قطعة): 20
- القدرة: 8-10 طن/ساعة
- الطاقة الإجمالية: 156.5 كيلو واط
إس إل-1400
- حجم مدخل التغذية: 1400*800 مللي متر
- أقصى قطر للتغذية: 500 مم
- حجم الإخراج: أقل من 100 مم
- ناقل الإدخال: 6 م
- ناقل الإخراج: 10 م
- شفرات (قطعة): 32
- القدرة: 10-15 طن/ساعة
- الطاقة الإجمالية: 213.5 كيلو واط
الشهر الماضي، عميل من فيتنام bought a comprehensive crusher from us. The customer has a factory specializing in recycling and processing waste wood. The customer sent an inquiry to us to process large pieces of waste wood more efficiently. After communication, the customer chose the SL-1400 model for crushing. We also have many other wood processing equipment, such as the كسارة الخشب, سجل المنشرة, آلة تقشير الخشب، وما إلى ذلك وهلم جرا. مرحبا بكم في التشاور في أي وقت!
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